Yoga for Better Sleep and Relaxation

In our fast-paced and stressful lives, finding quality sleep and relaxation can be challenging. Yoga offers a range of practices that can help you unwind, release tension, and promote a restful night’s sleep.

One beneficial pose for sleep and relaxation is Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani). By lying on your back and extending your legs vertically up against a wall, you allow the blood to flow back towards the heart, calming the nervous system. This gentle inversion helps to relieve fatigue, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.

Another relaxing pose is Supported Child’s Pose (Balasana). By placing a bolster or a stack of folded blankets beneath your torso and resting your forehead on it, you create a comforting and nurturing position. This restorative pose encourages deep breathing, activates the relaxation response, and soothes the mind.

Incorporating a bedtime yoga routine that includes these and other calming poses can signal to your body and mind that it’s time to unwind. Combine gentle stretches with deep breathing and mindful awareness to create a peaceful transition into a restful night’s sleep.